Our Mission
The mission of The Brownson Home is to provide a nurturing family home for children in need so that they may have hope, stability and develop values and skills for life.

Our History
In 1932 Catherine Brownson bequeathed her estate to establish The Brownson Home for children in need. She instructed that the home provide for the clothing, shelter, food, medical attention, education and general training and welfare of the children as well as their religious upbringing. It was Catherine’s vision that The Brownson Home never be considered an orphanage but rather a “HOME”, with all of the children being one family. The is the principal that continues to guide the direction of The Brownson Home today.
Placement Criteria
We accept boys and girls from 2-18 years old whose families can no longer provide for them. We are basic level care; this means that we take care of children who can function in a normal home setting; we cannot accept children that need 24-hour supervision, are suicidal, homicidal, or sexually acting out. We are a voluntary, long term, private placement that is free of charge.
The Brownson Home is comprised of two cottage homes. We have full time house parents that reside in each cottage. The children attend the local public schools, they are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, have part-time jobs and participate in individual and cottage activities. Our graduates qualify to participate in our Courtland and Marie Frankson Higher Education fund that provides scholarships for college or trade schools. These scholarships cover any expenses not covered by financial aid.

Visit The Brownson Home at http://brownsonhome.org/.