Who We Are
TCHC is an association of nonprofit, community-based agencies committed to ensuring children receive the care, support, and guidance needed to reach their full potential. Though not a requirement for membership, many of our agencies are faith-based ministries with many years of service to children and families.
TCHC agencies provide a safe and caring home for our most vulnerable children. Our agencies are trained to care for children with a history of trauma; and are uniquely equipped to care for sibling groups. TCHC agencies are committed to ensuring children are connected to their family and community. Our agencies also emphasize the importance of education and offer supportive services after graduation from high school. Independent living programs and college/vocational school scholarships are provided to help our students in successfully making the transition to adulthood.
TCHC agencies are also working to strengthen families by building on the caregiving capacity of parents, grandparents, and other relative caregivers. Family Care provides safe housing and supportive services to empower single-parent families in becoming self-sufficient. Parent education classes and home visiting programs strengthen parenting skills and reduce the risk of disruptions in the family. TCHC agencies are impacting future generations by equipping families with the skills and abilities to meet the needs of their children today.